Analogist company,Ltd.


Company's Profile.

Name Analogist Company, Ltd.
Address 880-0841
3115-8 Soshinaka, Yoshimura-Cho, Miyazaki city, Japan. 880-0841

Establishment December, 2003.
Work Analog Integrated Circuits design, Layout.
Function: A/D Converter, D/A Converter, PLL, DLL, etc.
Reprisentative Hiroyuki Morimoto(Ph.D)
Resume Received B.S. in physics in 1993, and M.S. in physics in 1995 from Kyushu University(Japan) respectively.
1995-2000: Joined Sony Nagasaki, Sony Ohsaki-west(Tokyo), Sony Oita.
2003: After leaving Texas Instruments Japan, established Analogist Company, Ltd.
2014: Received Ph.D in engineering from Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan.

 Almost all carrier(over 20 years) was engaged in CMOS Analog circuit design and layout. Furthermore, digital circuits design(use Verilog-D) and layout experience.
Software programming skill and experience on C/C++.